Composable Web applications

Create and assemble reusable fragments into full
enterprise-class Web applications.

Create composable, feature-rich Web applications

W20 framework is built on top of popular front-end technologies: AngularJS, Bootstrap and RequireJS.
It provides the ability to create reusable frontend fragments and assemble them dynamically into a full-blown application.
On top of that, W20 comes with various services like navigation, security, i18n or hypermedia to create enterprise-level Web front-ends.

Compose applications

Create reusable application fragments and compose them at will in multiple applications.

Leverage UI themes

Apply one of the built-in themes or create your own reusable theme as a W20 fragment.

Use built-in services

Navigation, internationalization (i18n), advanced security, hypermedia client... Everything to make your life easier.


Tap into the add-on library to expand W20 capabilities.


W20 is Open-Source Software so you can contribute yourself to make it better. Code contributions are welcome but there is a lot more you can do to help: documentation fixes and improvements, issue reporting, feature suggestions, ...

We would love to hear back from you!