Hypermedia is a powerful aspect of the REST architectural style. A client application can consume and navigate through REST resources via structured links relations. Navigation through APIs resemble web navigation: from a web page it is possible to follow links to new documents. In the same way, hypermedia provides a mechanism to interact with remote data with navigation and discovery in mind.

For an overview of this concept, please refer to the documentation of the Java framework Restful API.

Hypermedia module

To enable the hypermedia module, declare it in the core fragment configuration.

"hypermedia": {}

Available configuration for this module is provided below along with short introductions to the hypermedia formats supported.


The MIME type application/json-home specify a document «map» of resources that can serve as entry points for clients into an hypermedia api.

Json-home sample: catalog and product

        "resources": {
            "catalog": {
                "href": "api/products"
            "product": {
                "href-template": "api/product/{name}",
                "href-vars": {
                    "name": "api/doc/param/name"

In this scenario a client can enter a commercial api by requesting the json home document which will provide it with two relations:

  • «catalog» with an URI defined in the href property which, when queried, could for instance return a list of available products in the catalog.

  • «product» with an URI template defined in the href-template property which uses the name of a product as a criteria for the query. Note that since we are using an URI template, the property is href-template instead of href. Now, how should this parameter be used ? Whether by implicit knowledge or through documentation for parameters that can be provided in a href-vars property. This allows client to discover the usability of an api by querying the URL at this location.

More information can be provided in a json home document such as hints for available actions on the resource and/or accepted format. We advice you to take a look at the specification for an exhaustive documentation of the json home document type.

Configuring Json home endpoints

In your hypermedia module declaration of the core fragment, specify the api endpoint which exposes your json-home resources with the api property:

"api": {
    "myFirstApi": "http://domain:port/",
    "mySecondApi": "/"

You can specify a full absolute url (starting with the http/https protocol) or an absolute url (starting with «/»). In the last case, the domain and port from which the application is served will be used as the hostname of the api.

Using aliases

You can use alias for your api endpoint to refer to a previously declared api.

"api": {
    "namedAlias": "http://domain:port/",
    "myApi": "@namedAlias"

There is one default alias @home which resolve to /

"api": {
    "home": "@home"


The HomeService allows you to interact with the declared api endpoint(s). All endpoint declared in the manifest are automatically registered. To access an api use the following declaration:

homeService('<api>'); //<api> is the property used to reference the api URL

The service has 3 methods:

  • enter(api, parameters, actions, options): Provide a modified $resource object configured from a registered home resource. It signature is the same as the $resource service of AngularJS but instead of providing a url as the first parameter, you provide the name of the wanted relation provided in the Json home document. Another important difference is that only the get method is available by default on the returned object since it is used only for retrieving entry point resources.
homeService('myApi').enter('catalog').get(function (products) {
  • register(jsonHomeResource): Programmatically register a new resource. The resource should respect the format for a Json-home document resource.
    "someNewResource": {
        "href": "/some/url/"
  • getDefinition(resourceNAme): Return the definition of the resource.
// { "href": "/some/url/" }

HAL (Hypertext Application Language)

W20 provide support for application/hal+json resources. If Json home document constitute a «map» of the available entry points to the api, HAL is the format for these entry points and any subsequent resources obtained by following the links provided in these resources. Check the example below:

HAL sample: querying products

  "currentPage": 1,
  "totalProduct": 20,
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "/api/products?page=1"
    "next": {
      "href": "/api/products?page=2"
    "find": {
      "href": "/api/products{?q}",
      "templated": true
  "_embedded": {
    "products": [
        "name": "myProduct",
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "/api/product/myProduct"
        "_embedded": {
          "related": [
              "name": "productRelatedToMyProduct",
              "_links": {
                "self": {
                  "href": "/api/product/myProduct/related"

HAL document must validate against the JSON specification and contains two important recognizable fields:

  • _links which is mandatory and must contain at the very least a «self» property which reference the resource itself. Additional links constitute the actual power of hypermedia: they provide additional resources in the form of named actions/resources. In this example two actions are available: going to the next page by following the «next» links or finding a product through the «find» links. This last one uses URI template to define the available query parameter.

  • _embedded is not mandatory but allow to provide embedded resources directly in the response. In this example we embedded a list of products (with one element). Each embedded resources respect itself the HAL specification so it must contain a «_links» with a reference to itself and optional embedded resources.


When a resource is served with the application/hal+json MIME type, the hypermedia module will intercept the response and return a $resource object augmented with two additional methods:

  • $links(link, parameters, actions, options): This method has the same signature as $resource but will use the name of the links instead of the url. Suppose we return the HAL document above when querying the catalog api. We can get the next page by following the «next» link.
homeService('myApi').enter('catalog').get(function (products) {

    var nextProductPage = products.$links('next').get();


If the $links method is called without parameter, it returns a list of the available links on the resource.

  • $embedded(name): If the resource contains embedded items, they can be accessed with this method. Suppose we return the HAL document above when querying the catalog api. We can get the embedded items with the following declaration
homeService('myApi').enter('catalog').get(function (products) {

    var embeddedProducts = products.$embedded('products');
    console.info(embeddedProducts.name); // "myProduct"
    var relatedProducts = embeddedProducts.$embedded('related')[0].$links('self').get();
    // the last line will GET /api/product/myProduct/related


Note: Although we used the HomeService in these example to start querying the api, it is not an obligation. Provided that a resource is served with the MIME type application/hal+json, we could have used a simple $resource object to start querying the api with a url.

Manual interception

By default if the hypermedia module is configured and a resource is served with the MIME type application/hal+json, the response will automatically be intercepted and processed according to what we said above. If you want to disable this behavior and intercept response manually you need to set the interceptAll property to false in the hypermedia module configuration.

"hypermedia": {
    "interceptAll": false

To do a manual interception you then need to inject the HypermediaRestAdapter and use it as follow:

HypermediaRestAdapter.process(response.data).then(function (processedResponse) {

Additional configuration

"hypermedia": {
    "api": { // key-value pair of api endpoint name and url },
    "interceptAll": true, (default)  // Intercept all hal+json response automatically
    "linksKey": "_links", (default) // Rename the links key
    "linksHrefKey": "href", (default) // Rename the href key
    "linksSelfLinkName": "self", (default) // Rename self link
    "embeddedKey": "_embedded", (default) // Rename embedded key
    "embeddedNewKey": "$embedded", (default) // Rename the embedded function
    "resourcesKey": "$links", (default) // Rename the links function