Nvd3 is a data visualization library build on top of the popular d3 library. It offers several chart types for common visualization needs. The web framework add an AngularJS integration in the form of directives, along with sensible defaults for these different charts.
The multibar chart is used to compare different series in a bar representation following the X axis.
The w20MultibarChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="multibar" data-w20-multibar-chart="multibarConfig"></div>
Data format
Data fed to the multibar chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [ [1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 5] ]
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ [1, 8], [2, 10], [3, 15] ]
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series. By default the value at index 0 of each sub array is plotted on the X axis while the value at index 1 is plotted on the Y axis.
Multibar configuration
The multibar chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.multibarConfig = {
data: $scope.multibarData,
yAxisShowMaxMin: true,
xAxisShowMaxMin: true,
showLegend: true,
showControls: true,
tooltips: true,
yaxislabel: 'The Y axis title',
xaxislabel: 'The X axis title',
xaxistickformat: xAxisTickFormatMultibar // custom function to configure X axis
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the multibar chart (mandatory if you don't define the "noData" property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis.
Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison
to the data provided to the "data" property.
We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property :
return d[0]*2;
where "d[0]" is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property "values" of
all objects in the array provided to the "data" property.
y | function | See "x" property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. |
forceY | Array | Values to force on the Y axis. By default the Y axis will start at the minimum value of the serie. Use it to force special values such as 0. |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
showControls | Boolean | Display or hide controls. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
reduceXTicks | Boolean | Reduce the number of ticks on the X axis |
staggerLabels | Boolean | Create a gap between labels so that they don't overlap on each other if they are too many |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to "No data available") |
rotateLabels | integer | Rotation to apply to X axis labels (0 : horizontal(default), 90 : vertical) |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB.
Ex. ['#4D9FF2', 'yellow', 'rgb(151,109,165)'] . Note that you can also
specify the value of the color in the "data" array by providing a "color" attribute to each object.
stacked | Boolean | Indicate whether the series should be stacked on each other or not. |
tooltipContent | function | Customize tooltip content. Ex. function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return '<h1> Tooltip Title </h1> <p>'+ y +'</p>';} where key, x and y are the name and value of the series at the tooltip point, e an event and graph the chart object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis :
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
The pie chart is used to represent proportion between series.
The w20PieChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="pie" data-w20-pie-chart="pieConfig"></div>
Data format
Data fed to the pie chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"value": 10
"key": "Series 2",
"value": 20
Note that the pie/donut chart has «value» by default instead of «values» as it can only represent one single value
The key
property defines the name of the series. The value
defines the data of the series.
Pie chart configuration
The pie chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.pieConfig = {
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Numeric | Data to display using the pie chart (mandatory if you don't define the "noData" property.). |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the "X" axis. Consider this example : say we want to customize the key value displayed on the "X" axis (X refer to the key and Y to the value) in comparison to the data provided to the "data" property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return d.key+" a custom string appended"; }; where "d.key" is all the values of key in the array passed to property "data". |
y | function | See "x" property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. (Exemple : double value : function(){ return d.value*2; } |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to "No data available") |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. ['#4D9FF2', 'yellow', 'rgb(151,109,165)']. Note that you can also specify the value of the color in the "data" array by providing a "color" attribute to each object. |
tooltipContent | function | Customize tooltip content. Ex. function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return '<h1> Tooltip Title </h1> <p>'+ y +'</p>';} where key, x and y are the name and value of the series at the tooltip point, e an event and graph the chart object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
showLabels | Boolean | Show or hide labels. |
labelType | String | What the label would display : 'key', 'value' or 'percent'. |
pieLabelsOutside | Boolean | Should the label be inside or outside the chart. |
valueFormat | function | Custom formating of values. For instance one can print values in .2f decimal by passing d3.format(',.2f') to this property. See d3.js documentation for a list of format value. |
donut | Boolean | Display the chart as a donut |
donutLabelsOutside | Boolean | Should the label be inside or outside the chart |
donutRatio | Numeric | Ratio between the hole and edge of donut (Default 0.5) |
Scatter/Bubble chart
The scatter chart is used to compare different series between 3 values : X and Y axis + size of data.
The w20ScatterChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="scatter" data-w20-scatter-chart="scatterConfig"></div>
Fragment definition sections
This module has no fragment definition section.
Data format
Data fed to the scatter chart should follow a default format.
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [ {
x: 10,
y: 20,
size: 0.5
x: 12,
y: 13,
size: 0.9
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ {
x: 15,
y: 2,
size: 0.5
x: 15,
y: 13,
size: 0.6
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series.
Scatter chart configuration
The scatter chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.scatterConfig = {
data: $scope.scatterChartData,
tooltips: true,
showLegend: true,
showControls: true,
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the scatter chart (mandatory if you don’t define the «noData» property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis. Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison to the data provided to the «data» property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return function(d){ return d[0]*2; }; }; where «d[0]» is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property «values» of all objects in the array provided to the «data» property. |
tooltipXContent | function | Customize tooltip content on the X axis (require tooltips to be true). Ex : function (key, x, y) { return ‘<strong>’ + x + ‘</strong>’; }) |
tooltipYContent | function | Customize tooltip content on the X axis (require tooltips to be true). Ex : function (key, x, y) { return ‘<strong>’ + y + ‘</strong>’; }) |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
showControls | Boolean | Display or hide controls. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
showDistX | Boolean | Show/hide a line marker to the X value when hovering the point |
showDistY | Boolean | Show/hide a line marker to the Y value when hovering the point |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to «No data available») |
xPadding | Numeric | distance between ticks on the X axis |
yPadding | Numeric | distance between ticks on the Y axis |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. [‘#4D9FF2’, ‘yellow’, ‘rgb(151,109,165)’] . Note that you can also
specify the value of the color in the «data» array by providing a «color» attribute to each object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
fisheye | Numeric | Magnifying factor (when showControls is true) |
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis :
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
Discrete bar
The discretebar chart is used to compare different series in a bar representation.
The w20DiscreteBarChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="discretebar" data-w20-discrete-bar-chart="discreteConfig"></div>
Data format
Data fed to the discretebar chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [ [1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 5] ]
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ [1, 8], [2, 10], [3, 15] ]
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series. By default the value at index 0 of each sub array is plotted on the X axis while the value at index 1 is plotted on the Y axis.
## Discretebar configuration
The discretebar chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.discreteBarConfig = {
data: $scope.discreteBarData,
tooltips: true,
showValues: true
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the discretebar chart (mandatory if you don’t define the «noData» property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis. Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison to the data provided to the «data» property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return function(d){ return d[0]*2; }; }; where «d[0]» is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property «values» of all objects in the array provided to the «data» property. |
y | function | See «x» property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. |
forceY | Array | Values to force on the Y axis. By default the Y axis will start at the minimum value of the serie. Use it to force special values such as 0. |
showValues | Boolean | Display the value of the bar on top of them. |
valueFormat | function | Format the value displayed when showValues is true. Ex: d3.format(‘.2f’) |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
staggerLabels | Boolean | Create a gap between labels so that they don’t overlap on each other if they are too many |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to «No data available») |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. [‘#4D9FF2’, ‘yellow’, ‘rgb(151,109,165)’]. Note that you can also specify the value of the color in the «data» array by providing a «color» attribute to each object. |
tooltipContent | function | Customize tooltip content. Ex. function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return ‘<h1> Tooltip Title </h1> <p>’+ y +’</p>’;} where key, x and y are the name and value of the series at the tooltip point, e an event and graph the chart object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis :
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
Line with focus
The line with focus chart is used to explore series on a long range of values. You can restrict the range with the chart below the main chart to render data in a more precise way.
The w20LineWithFocusChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="linewithfocus" data-w20-line-with-focus-chart="lineWithFocusConfig"></div>
Fragment definition sections
This module has no fragment definition section.
Data format
Data fed to the line with focus chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [ [1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 5] ]
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ [1, 8], [2, 10], [3, 15] ]
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series. By default the value at index 0 of each sub array is plotted on the X axis while the value at index 1 is plotted on the Y axis.
Line with focus configuration
The line with focus chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.lineWithFocusConfig = {
data: $scope.linefocusdata,
tooltips: true
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the line with focus chart (mandatory if you don’t define the «noData» property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis. Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison to the data provided to the «data» property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return function(d){ return d[0]*2; }; }; where «d[0]» is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property «values» of all objects in the array provided to the «data» property. |
y | function | See «x» property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. |
forceY | Array | Values to force on the Y axis. By default the Y axis will start at the minimum value of the serie. Use it to force special values such as 0. |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to «No data available») |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. [‘#4D9FF2’, ‘yellow’, ‘rgb(151,109,165)’] . Note that you can also
specify the value of the color in the «data» array by providing a «color» attribute to each object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis main chart:
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
X2 axis :
For the small focusin chart. See X axis. Replace property ‘xName’ with ‘x2Name’.
Y2 axis :
For the small focusing chart. See X axis. Replace property ‘xName’ with ‘y2Name’.
Stacked area
The stacked area chart is used to compare different series according to their surface area.
The w20StackedAreaChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="stackedArea" data-w20-stacked-area-chart="stackedAreaConfig"></div>
Data format
Data fed to the stacked area chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [ [1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 5] ]
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ [1, 8], [2, 10], [3, 15] ]
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series. By default the value at index 0 of each sub array is plotted on the X axis while the value at index 1 is plotted on the Y axis.
Stacked area chart configuration
The stacked area chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.stackedAreaConfig = {
data: $scope.stackedareadata,
tooltips: true,
showControls: true,
showLegend: true
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the multibar chart (mandatory if you don’t define the «noData» property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis. Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison to the data provided to the «data» property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return function(d){ return d[0]*2; }; }; where «d[0]» is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property «values» of all objects in the array provided to the «data» property. |
y | function | See «x» property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. |
forceY | Array | Values to force on the Y axis. By default the Y axis will start at the minimum value of the serie. Use it to force special values such as 0. |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
showControls | Boolean | Display or hide controls. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to «No data available») |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. [‘#4D9FF2’, ‘yellow’, ‘rgb(151,109,165)’]. Note that you can also specify the value of the color in the «data» array by providing a «color» attribute to each object. |
tooltipContent | function | Customize tooltip content. Ex. function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return ‘<h1> Tooltip Title </h1> <p>’+ y +’</p>’;} where key, x and y are the name and value of the series at the tooltip point, e an event and graph the chart object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis :
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
Multibar horizontal
The multibar horizontal chart is used to compare different series in a horizontal bar representation.
The w20MultiBarHorizontalChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="multibarhorizontal" data-w20-multi-bar-horizontal-chart="multibarHorizontalConfig"></div>
Fragment definition sections
This module has no fragment definition section.
Data format
Data fed to the multibar horizontal chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [ [1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 5] ]
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ [1, 8], [2, 10], [3, 15] ]
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series. By default the value at index 0 of each sub array is plotted on the X axis while the value at index 1 is plotted on the Y axis.
Multibar configuration
The multibar chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.multibarHorizontalConfig = {
data: $scope.multibarhorizontaldata,
showXAxis: true,
showYAxis: true,
tooltips: true,
showControls: true,
showLegend: true
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the multibar horizontal chart (mandatory if you don't define the "noData" property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis. Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison to the data provided to the "data" property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return function(d){ return d[0]*2; }; }; where "d[0]" is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property "values" of all objects in the array provided to the "data" property. |
y | function | See "x" property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. |
forceY | Array | Values to force on the Y axis. By default the Y axis will start at the minimum value of the serie. Use it to force special values such as 0. |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
showControls | Boolean | Display or hide controls. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to "No data available") |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. ['#4D9FF2', 'yellow', 'rgb(151,109,165)']. Note that you can also specify the value of the color in the "data" array by providing a "color" attribute to each object. |
stacked | Boolean | Indicate whether the series should be stacked on each other or not. |
tooltipContent | function | Customize tooltip content. Ex.function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return '<h1> Tooltip Title </h1> <p>'+ y +'</p>';} where key, x and y are the name and value of the series at the tooltip point, e an event and graph the chart object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis :
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
The line chart is used to plot series as line function.
The w20MultibarChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="multibar" data-w20-multibar-chart="multibarConfig"></div>
Data format
Data fed to the line chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"values": [ [1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 5] ]
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ [1, 8], [2, 10], [3, 15] ]
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series. By default the value at index 0 of each sub array is plotted on the X axis while the value at index 1 is plotted on the Y axis.
Line chart configuration
The line chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.lineConfig = {
data: $scope.lineData,
xAxisTickSubdivide: 10,
xAxisTickFormat: d3.format('.2f'),
showControls: true,
showLabels: true,
showLegend: true,
tooltips: true,
showXAxis: true,
showYAxis: true,
xAxisHighlightZero: true,
xAxisLabel: 'W label',
yAxisLabel: 'y label',
xAxisRotateLabels: 90,
xAxisScale: d3.scale.linear(),
xAxisDomain: [0, 10],
yAxisDomain: [0, 100]
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the line chart (mandatory if you don’t define the «noData» property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis. Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison to the data provided to the «data» property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return function(d){ return d[0]*2; }; }; where «d[0]» is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property «values» of all objects in the array provided to the «data» property. |
y | function | See «x» property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. |
forceY | Array | Values to force on the Y axis. By default the Y axis will start at the minimum value of the serie. Use it to force special values such as 0. |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
isArea | Boolean | Color integral of series |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to «No data available») |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. [‘#4D9FF2’, ‘yellow’, ‘rgb(151,109,165)’]. Note that you can also specify the value of the color in the «data» array by providing a «color» attribute to each object. |
tooltipContent | function | Customize tooltip content. Ex. function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return ‘<h1> Tooltip Title </h1> <p>’+ y +’</p>’;} where key, x and y are the name and value of the series at the tooltip point, e an event and graph the chart object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
showXAxis | Boolean | Show/hide X axis |
showYAxis | Boolean | Show/hide Y axis |
interpolate | String | Define the interpolation mode :
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis :
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
Line plus bar
The line plus bar chart is used to represent series by lines and bars on the same area..
The w20LinePlusBarChart directive allows you to declare the chart on your html markup and specify the configuration object to be used in your controller.
You must indicate a unique id for the chart
<div id="LinePlusBarChart" data-w20-line-plus-bar-chart="lineplusbarConfig"></div>
Fragment definition sections
This module has no fragment definition section.
Data format
Data fed to the line plus bar chart should follow a default format. This format can be overridden by the use of personal function (See «x» and «y» properties below).
Default data format exemple :
"key": "Series 1",
"bar": true,
"values": [ [1, 10], [2, 20], [3, 5] ]
"key": "Series 2",
"values": [ [1, 8], [2, 10], [3, 15] ]
The key
property defines the name of the series. The values
defines the data of the series. By default the value at index 0 of each sub array is plotted on the X axis while the value at index 1 is plotted on the Y axis.
By default data are plotted as line. The «bar» property specify if the series should be plotted with bars.
line plus bar configuration
The line plus bar chart is configured by the configuration object passed to the directive declaration (see Directives).
Exemple :
$scope.linePlusBarConfig = {
data: $scope.lineplusbardata,
showLegend: true
Available properties :
Properties | Type | Description |
data | Array | Data to display using the multibar chart (mandatory if you don’t define the «noData» property.). Generally it would be a property of $scope |
x | function | Providing a function to the x property allows configuration of the data on the X axis. Consider this example : say we want to double the data value displayed on the X axis in comparison to the data provided to the «data» property. We can achieve this by providing the following function to the x property : function(){ return function(d){ return d[0]*2; }; }; where «d[0]» is all the values at index 0 of all sub arrays of the array at property «values» of all objects in the array provided to the «data» property. |
y | function | See «x» property above. Applied to the Y axis instead. |
showLegend | Boolean | Display or hide legend. |
tooltips | Boolean | Enable or disable tooltips when hovering the chart. |
noData | String | Message to display when there is no data (default to «No data available») |
color | Array | Color of series in the corresponding order. Can be hexadecimal, named or RGB. Ex. [‘#4D9FF2’, ‘yellow’, ‘rgb(151,109,165)’]. Note that you can also specify the value of the color in the «data» array by providing a «color» attribute to each object. |
tooltipContent | function | Customize tooltip content. Ex. function(key, x, y, e, graph) { return ‘<h1> Tooltip Title </h1> <p>’+ y +’</p>’;} where key, x and y are the name and value of the series at the tooltip point, e an event and graph the chart object. |
transitionDuration | integer | Duration of transition effect (Default to 500). |
Axis Configuration
Axis are configured in the same configuration object.
X axis :
Properties | Type | Description |
xAxisTickValues | Array | Specify explicitly the values to plot on the X axis |
xAxisTickSubdivide | Integer | Specify the number of intermediate ticks to show on the X axis |
xAxisTickPadding | Integer | Specify ticks padding on the X axis |
xAxisTickFormat | function | Specify how data should be formatted. For instance you can format number on the X axis to
have exactly two digit after the decimal point : d3.format(‘.2f’) . Or format Date object to
a readable format as d3.time.format(‘%Y’) which shows the year only. See
d3.js documentation
for a list of all format available
xAxisLabel | String | Label of the X axis |
xAxisDomain | Array [start, end] | Specify the domain on the X axis (min to max value) |
xAxisShowMaxMin | Boolean | Show or hide maximum and minimum value in bold |
xAxisRotateLabels | Integer | 0 to 180° rotation of X axis tick label |
xAxisStaggerLabels | Integer | Size of the gap between labels to resolve overlapping issue |
Y axis :
See X axis. Replace property «xName» by «yName».
Y2 axis :
For the right axis. Replace property «xName» by «y2Name»